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Soccer Speed Training
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Ryan Lee, MS, CSCS
Soccer can be a tough sport to train for. Soccer athletes must have not only an endurance base, but also the ability to sprint at full speed for short distances. Training for soccer speed requires a mix of aerobic conditioning (i.e. distance running) and anaerobic power (sprinting).
A solid soccer speed training program should include speed-endurance, which is the ability to run at top speeds for extended periods of time.
Here is a sample three-week pre-season speed training program to help your athletes improve their speed before the season begins:
General Warm-up
1/2 to 1 mile jog
Full Body Stretch
Warm-up Speed Drills
High Knees (3X30m)
Heel-Glutes (3X30m)
Carriocca (3X30m)
1/2 Speed Striders (3X30m)
Week 1
Monday and Friday (sprint speed)
3X30m (45 second rest between reps)
3X60m (45 second rest between reps)
3X90m (45 second rest between reps)
Wednesday (speed-endurance)
Use a 3:1 Rest Ratio (ex. if it takes 30seconds to run 150m, then rest for 1:30 before the 200m)
Repeat the pyramid one more time
Week 2
Monday and Friday
5X30m (45 second rest between reps)
5X60m (45 second rest between reps)
5X90m (45 second rest between reps)
Wednesday (speed-endurance)
Use a 2:1 Rest Ratio (ex. if it takes 30seconds to run 150m, then rest for 1:00 before the 200m)
Repeat the pyramid two more times
Week 3
Monday and Friday
6X30m (30 second rest between reps)
6X60m (30 second rest between reps)
6X90m (30 second rest between reps)
Wednesday (speed-endurance)
Use a 2:1 Rest Ratio (ex. if it takes 30seconds to run 150m, then rest for 1:00 before the 200m)
Repeat the pyramid two more times.
Additional speed training articles:
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